Djarum Superliga Badminton Indonesia is a national badminton tournament in Indonesia, which is an inter-club badmintonmatches in Indonesia.The format matches using the Thomas Cup format for the men's and the format for the Uber Cup for the women's group, which consists of three singles matches and two doubles matches.When the match, each club is allowed to recruit a maximum of two foreign players.This competition was first held in 2007 with the name of the SBI (SuperligaBadminton Indonesa) and this year a group of men was won by PB Suryanga and forwomen's groups won by PB Tangkas. In 2011, the competition is entering his second season, and changed its name to Djarum Superliga Badminton Indonesia. In this group of men won's by PB SGS PLN whereas for women's groups won by PB Jayanegara Suryanegara.
Djarum Indonesia Open was a top level Badminton in Indonesia.Followed by various countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan,Korea, the United States. First held in 1982 until now. In the Djarum Indonesia open in 2011, first prize for the men's singles achieved by Malaysia, while in the women's doubles, mixed doubles, men's doubles and women's singles was won by China.
Djarum Sirkuit Nasional is a competition held by PB Djarum in several cities in Indonesia. Such as Makassar,Bali, Semarang, Surabaya, and several other cities. Was first held in 2009,competition was followed by the entire team in Indonesia.